Cristina G. was born and raised in Romania during one of the most oppressive communist regimes that ever existed. Being the eleventh child – the seventh daughter – of a farmers’ couple, she spent her childhood both studying hard and helping her family with the farm.
G. comes from Gherghel – her parents' surname. She would have loved to publish under this surname, but it is too difficult to remember and pronounce.
G. comes from Gherghel – her parents' surname. She would have loved to publish under this surname, but it is too difficult to remember and pronounce.
In 1983, at the end of the first year of primary school, she read Les Miserables by Victor Hugo and fell in love with books. Something made her believe that she could write and move people hearts too. But her destiny was already signed: Cristina was to become a farmer.
On the 25th of December of 1989, the tyrants of her country were shot dead. She broke down in tears along with her family. Christmas, a joyful celebration, has gained a bloody façade for Romanians with a sensitive soul.
In 2000 Cristina G. immigrated to Italy where she learnt that people cursed by geography are considered of inferior birth. Ten years later, deprived of dignity and covered in deep wounds, she went back to her country only to find out that freedom without opportunities is just another kind of prison.
In 2010, she moved back home and started blogging to fight against discrimination, gratuitous abuses and injustices.
Encouraged by her brother, Sebastian, Cristina G. dedicated many years to blogging. In 2017 she is the owner of five blogs: two very popular in Romania.
In 2014, helped by a British friend, she moved to the UK where her expectations were... not great. Here, against all odds and despite the Brexit Referendum, Cristina G. has finally managed to fulfil a dream she never dared to dream before: becoming a registered author.
Cristina G. works as a call analyst for three days a week and writes for the remaining four.
She doesn't watch TV, listens to the radio or reads magazines. She has no shred of a social life because she invests absolutely everything into this dream: time, money, energy, body and soul.
However, English is way harder to learn than she expected, so it triples the time and the effort.
Cristina G. is an eclectic and prolific writer. In two years, she has written and self-published a couple of memoirs, a collection of short stories, a self-help publication, and three novels. Her style – that focuses on human behaviour and emotions – is unique, nostalgic, and poignant.
The reviews are outstanding due to her terrific honesty, and openness.
All her books narrate stories of love and survival. Discrimination, immigration, abuse, self-growth are her main topics.
With an astonishing background, outstanding determination, and remarkable passion, Cristina G. is a perfect candidate to greatness.
Unlike many, Cristina doesn't write from vanity. She takes no pride in being called an author. She feels no emotion when she sees her name on a cover. She doesn't think that she achieved something amazing. In fact, Cristina is convinced that everyone can do it.
Cristina writes because she has a dearest purpose: earning enough to build a bathroom with running water for her beloved octogenarian parents who are ill and in desperate need.
If you want to help achieve this goal now, buy her books from Amazon by clicking here.
Wow! What an amazing background. I have read all Cristina's books, memoirs and novels and all I can say is: outstanding!
ReplyDeleteThat's so nice of you to say. You've made my day! Thank you so, so much!
ReplyDeleteInainte de toate, iarta ma pentru romana mea, nu o scriu de des si nu mai am studiat-o in scoala. Ma numesc Francisco Gonzalez Ramirez, sunt mexican, si destinul a vrut sa vorbesc putin limba romana. Sunt student de traducere si fac un master in interpretare si traducere la Universidad Madero in orasul Puebla, in Mexic. Acum scriu portafoliul meu de traducere pentru a ma absolvi din master-ul. Pentru portafoliul meu am ales sa traduc 5 fragmente netraduse din limbile cele care pot citi (franceza, engleza, romana, italiana si chineza) in spaniola mexicana. Iar acum trebui sa traduc din limba romana, si am gasit pe Scribd cartea "12 nuante de rosu" scris de tine. Cred ca cartea este foarte interesanta, si ma intrebam daca pot sa traduc un fragment de 400 cuvinte al capitolui "Religia" in spaniola pentru portafoliul meu, daca dumneavoastra nu are problema cu asta. Acest portafoliu nu are nici o tinta comerciala, ci academica, daca dumneavoastra nu imi da permis, eu nu o-sa folosesc. Dupa ce am sfarsit sa scriu portafoliul, va pot trimite o copie. Daca aveti alte intrebari, nu ezitati sa mi-l ceri.
Fara alte problmea, va trimit o salutare, si va multumesc pentru atentie
Salut Francisco!
DeleteDin nefericire am citit acest comentariu mult prea tarziu. Cred ca ai terminat deja de tradus.
Daca inca mai ai timp, sigur, ai permisiunea mea sa traduci si sa incluzi ce vrei in tezele tale de absolvire.
Mult succes!