10 Years in Italy, 3 Weeks a Human is now $0.99

For memoir fans only.

The fascinating true story set up in Italy, that used to be $2.99 is now reduced to $0.99.

Anyway, if you'd like to take advantage of this amazing offer, click here.

When you are on Amazon, keep on eye on all  Cristina's  books that will be free in sequence from the 22nd until the 29th of September 2017.

If you purchase or download for free any of Cristina's books, please, take a minute to leave a review on Amazon.com and/or Goodreads.
Cristina writes because it's been her impossible dream since she was a child, but mostly, she writes to provide a better life to her octogenarian parents.

She is a self-published author and she needs you. Please help her to help her beloved parents who survived the Second World War and lived under a very oppressive communist regime. 


  1. Hi Cristina,
    I just finished reading 10 Years. Liked it. Wrote reviews on my blog https://livingwithabroadintuscany.blogspot.com/2019/01/ten-years-in-italy-is-candid-and-often.html
    and also put the same review on Amazon and Goodreads. The story of your life is definitely inspiring. I'm an author who published my first book at age 64, so I got started later than you! I didn't see your email address on your page, but if you'd like to connect with me, you can find me easily on the web. Paul

  2. Hi Paul,
    Please forgive me for this late reply. I am sure I replied as soon as I saw this lovely comment, but I have no idea where did it go!
    Thank you so, so much for your generosity and kindness. It is rare such a behavior from a fellow writer.
    Thank you for the support which I am going to exchange once I am settled in Romania.


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