Behind the Scenes: The Chaotic Journey of the iPERIMENOPAUSE Book Launch

My dear readers,

It's been quite some time since I last published a post on my author page, hasn't it? Actually, it was on the 1st of April when I announced that I was closing myself in a monastery. It was a joke, of course, but unfortunately, I didn't find the time to clarify it. Not the joke itself, but the news, because at that point, few people realized it was a joke. Anyway, today I want to reassure you that I am not going to become a nun. I am 99% certain that nuns have more of a social life than me.

Instead, I am working on fulfilling my childhood dream, so I am not complaining. Wait, does it seem like I am? I see. Okay, I am not complaining; I am just expressing the fact that I work all the time. To stay in touch with my friends, I wrote an open letter to all of them. How tragic is it that I shouldn't be surprised when they forget my name? 
Even I forget my own name sometimes, since I am perimenopausal. 

And now, I come to the vital piece of information that I need to share. Yes, the title is not misleading. It's not a joke—I am perimenopausal, and I wrote a book about it. 
Actually, I wrote two books: one in Romanian and one in English. Neither of these books were planned. In fact, after I published the first one in Romanian, I never thought I would go on to write another one in English. I was so fed up with the topic, or rather topics: menopause, premenopause, perimenopause, endometriosis, and dementia-like symptoms, that I didn't even want to think about it.

Long story short, one day I woke up drenched (as usual, since I am perimenopausal) and said, "Okay, let me write another book on menopause, this time in English, because the world has never heard of such books, and everybody needs them." 

book covers showed on electronic devices

I have done everything in my power, and even more beyond my power, to promote it. I paid for press releases and other book promotion services while I was busy rebranding myself. 
Yes, because since 2022, after a 4-year break from writing, I decided to make an epic comeback and sign my books with my full name: Cristina Gherghel. As you know, all the books I published between 2016 and 2019 were signed with Cristina G. 
This blog is authorcristinag, isn't it? So, I had to open new blogs, because who has the money to invest in a website? Certainly not me.

But let me cut this long blog short and invite you all to read my book on perimenopause, with insights on endometriosis. 
You can even gift it to other women, perhaps as a joke, to see their reactions. I'm telling you, this book makes a perfect present for every woman, regardless of her age. 
However, the happy recipient shouldn't be menopausal because, my friend, she wouldn't even know she is menopausal. At best, she would know if she is perimenopausal. 
Menopausal issues can be quite complicated, isn't it?
Well, it is if you are a woman. That is why I wrote these books. 

I am overwhelmed with the advertising efforts, although they are not extensive campaigns since I don't have the means to launch such things.

Here are my new blogs that carry my real name: 
Click on the above links and visit them if you like, and maybe you want to keep in touch.

Oh, I almost forgot. 
Yes, the launch of "iPERIMENOPAUSE: The Latest Upgrade to the Operating System of My Life - Malfunction: Hormonal Mayhem" was a fiasco. 
If you check my author page on Amazon, you won't find it there because it is signed with my full name, Cristina Gherghel, and my official account is Cristina G. Basically, it's a pen name. I had no idea that this was going to happen. But it did, and I take full responsibility. It's nobody's fault but my own.

I sure hope to see your review on my Goodreads author profile (click), which is also new. Rebranding. 

Thank you. It has been a privilege to have your attention. I am truly grateful for each and every one of you who takes five minutes from your precious time to read what I write. May the universe always be on your side. 


The e-books in Romanian, signed with Cristina Gherghel (no longer Cristina G.), can be found here (Google Play)

Credit photos
Some are from Pixabay, and some are from PNGtree

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