Dear fellow human,
It is raining cats and dogs where I am now.
As my blog post title says: I am leaving the world to become a nun.
It's been a great privilege and an absolute honour to have had your attention all these years.
Not me, as a person, but as a writer.
You have bought my books, you read them and left a review too.
It was simply more than I could hope for.
I have tried really hard to stay in this world, among people, but in the last few years, it has become harder and harder.
I am introverted. All I have wanted to do since I was 8 is to write.
I gave my best shot, but I am no business person and I couldn't manage to find someone to represent me. My earnings are what they are.
However, I won't retire my books from the market. No, I can't do that.
Even as a nun, I need to eat.
Prayers are not enough to make my body survive.
I am... I will be happy where I am going now. It feels like paradise. No TV, no internet, no electricity, no running water.
May God bless you all! 🙏🙏🙏
Thank you so much. 🙏🙏🙏🙏
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The e-books in Romanian, signed with Cristina Gherghel (no longer Cristina G.), can be found here (Google Play).
Were you looking for my author blog?
It is here.
If you read in Romanian, you can find my books everywhere online. Also, you can ask a librarian to order them for you.
If you'd like to review them, you can have them free of charge, of course.
Just give me a shout using the contact form on the page and I'll be more than happy to send them to you.
Credit photos
Some are from Pixabay, and some are from PNGtree.
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I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
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