I Have a Dream: To Write to Live: Shameless Self-promotion

I have a dream: to write to live. 

It’s not only an expression; in my case (and many others), I live only when I write. 

Writing is my life. It really is. If I could, I’d lock myself in a lighthouse for eternity... Because I am afraid I won’t have enough time to write all I have in my mind. Such chaos. 

The following is shameless self-promotion. 

Indulge me if you life. 

My name is Cristina Gherghel. 

I know, I know, Gherghel sounds like “gurgle”.

Well, that’s what my stomach does most days: it gurgles.


Because I am an independent author/writer and my earnings are… what they are, so my stomach gurgles.

I am kidding.

My stomach gurgles because I do intermittent fasting. It’s a necessary action due to my income, yes, but also because I do not like to exercise. I love eating, but I dislike exercise more.

Never mind.

Let me start again.

My name is Cristina Gherghel.

You might have heard of Oranges at Christmas in a Communist Country, Ten years in Italy, 3 weeks a Human or other books I signed with Cristina G. – full stop after G.

I was born and raised during Ceausescu’s communist regime. I am the seventh daughter and the eleventh child of a farmer’s couple, but I am not the youngest.

Aged 8, when reading “Les Miserable” by Victor Hugo, I knew exactly what I wanted to do when I grew up. But during communism, farmers’ children were not allowed to dream; therefore, I locked my dream in a box and kept working for the collective and helping my parents with the land.

At 40, adrift, I found the box with my impossible dream. I opened it and made it possible.

In 3 years, I wrote and published more than 35 books in English and Romanian. And I am just getting started.

My introversion compels me to mainly write memoirs and self-help books, but novels are no strangers to me, despite aphantasia.

That’s it.

Thank you for listening.

Oh, if you’d like to stop my stomach’s gurgles, buy my books. Buy them now and read them when you want, if you want.

Just stay away from Half my Age Plus Seven. I am serious. It’s a bad story. 

Once again, I am Cristina Gherghel, an independent Romanian author and this was: I Have a Dream: To write to live: Shameless self-promotion. 


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